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codeword poppycock

Pointless' ramble no. twohundered and three...

This lie... nay, this life... a lie with an f inside...
Somewhat poignant and to the point,
this lie... curse my fingers... this life states itself.
With a word, one word and only one word
the point is clear if you're willing to see it.
Perhaps... only if you're trying to find it...

To be honest and honest I will be,
truthfully and such and such...
Merry words originate from merry mouths,
merry mouths with merry minds attached...
Merry souls prancing their merry ways...
Merry, fleshy bodies with smiles worn lika jewels.

I am not merry...
I thank thee my lord and saviour...
you have sown doubt inside me
made this ache fruitful and clear.
God is a funny thing
it's clearly a non-entity
and yet people drag the whole thing up
like an end-all of a conversation
It's in the bible... poppycock!

Pray, what is a lie?
More to the point, what is a fairytale?
Lies are big and powerful,
fairytales are fanciful and filled with moral propaganda
and then... the bible...
a fairytale taken out of proportion...
a fairytale grown by way of so-called morally good people
with good intentions, mind you
to the grandest lie of all...
'tis a boon of magnificence and oh, so beautiful greed...

Greed, the only trait shared by all and all and none is left behind...
Well, most are left behind but the actual emotion... omnipresent...

Heh, God was born in the eighties... another failed broker...
I wonder if he had a lease on a fancy car he couldn't afford
and a nice, tidy office he never found the time to use...

I've rambled through the issue at hand...
I think I might not be able to go back...
Laziness is a very powerful life-choice...


Fri vers av Jonny Larsen
Läst 92 gånger
Publicerad 2008-08-18 22:12

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Jonny Larsen
Jonny Larsen