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Utan egentlig titel. På engelska. Utan stavningskontroll. Utan något större struktur. Låter som Yoda på flera ställen. With it, deal.

Ett stycke ensamhets poesi såklart

Reality is not always cold
But even at it's best it's bold
The commercials just keep on airing
The lack of judgement with its prescense often flaring

When you feel that lonelyness is your king
Remember that you always a friend can ring
Your phone, try not to get rid of that thing

Atrificial cool air at you may fly
Towards your eyes and make you cry
Then the warm sun can your tears dry
When in a new place you can be shy
Or just say things to make people go "Oh my!"

Never must you fret
'Cause your eyes got wet
When you your new friends have met
To feel happyness, you yourself must let

Go of your fears, new and old
Or else reality might be cold
With this new chapter about to unfold
You have to your life, start to mold

Fri vers av The One
Läst 576 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-08-19 01:58

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