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Hittade denna på nätet för ett tag sedan och tyckte den var bra, passar in på mig så mycket. Skriven av Faith.

The Pain Inside

Here it comes again,
Pain, Pain, Pain.

As soon as I awake,
my heart begins to ache.

Like a dark and stormy sea,
the sadness begins to smother me.

I try to fight it, not to give in,
afterall it wasn't my sin.

If I try the best to ignore the sorrow,
maybe the pain will be gone tomorrow.

I put on the face that has served me well,
it hides, the secrets I could never tell.

Used, broken and saddened,
always feeling so abandoned.

Oh why, can't I make myself see,
the wrong wasn't done by me.

Fri vers av Hugos matte
Läst 196 gånger
Publicerad 2008-10-26 11:22

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