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Shadows of make-belief....

I saw a lifetime's worth in you

still, dreary images and contrasts of the same
wild, starry eyes... a void of disbelief

I wanted to know what you knew
to be inside your being and explore
to stare as in a dream, through those gigantic eyes

therefore my feet pulled me away
dragged my screaming inside along with my carcass

it hates me... my sense of self...
and I hate... that I love it... I need it's control...

thus my dreams are all dead
and it's all because of me


Fri vers av Jonny Larsen
Läst 144 gånger
Publicerad 2008-11-01 13:31

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det är skumt alltså, att du är sån grym poet på engelska, jag menar svenskan är väl torts allt ditt modersmål?
Ibland gilla jag dina engelska verk mer än de svenska..=) *applåd*
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Jonny Larsen
Jonny Larsen