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I can't seem to have any imagination in swedish anymore... just boring ol' truth...

Strangest phone call you'll ever receive from me...

Well... it's made of oak
this coffin I've locked myself inside
the texture is fascinating
it's covered in eyes
or what looks like eyes
and hairline cracks
like exposed veins in rough skin
it looks rough but when I touch it, god...
smooth as silk
I'm somewhat surprised of my predicament
not solely by the fact that I myself was the cause
but to find oneself in such a grandios setting
well, it certainly beats every nightmarish dream I've had
and even a few really creepy fantasies
I guess what I'm saying is... it's real pretty here
in my death-box... umm... my coffin of last... no...
my final resting-place....
... too bad the coffin's on fire and I'm floating in a forceful river
heading for a waterfall
with nicely sharp cliffs and also... well...
I brought this cyanide-pill
and I think I just swallowed it...

other than that... peachy...

And how are you?


Fri vers av Jonny Larsen
Läst 150 gånger
Publicerad 2008-11-27 23:10

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Jonny Larsen
Jonny Larsen