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I've always thought of life as a really dumb comedy about apathy...

I wonder
can days float
or is it just me
floating in and out of days
cause something is afloat
shouldn't days differ
change from day to day
and me, shouldn't I grow
shouldn't I learn from mistakes
and never do them again

as it stands right now
I feel like I'm lost at sea
a grey sea with no water
just pavement and tiny rocks

at a perfect standstill is life
or just me, in life

I also wonder why I should care
what does anything really matter anyway?

I'm still as pointless as I've ever been
and life, as I see it... or because "I" see it
... is just as useless

I always tell myself to try
to fail without trying is impossible
therefore I try
to give the natural order a reason
to imbed my face in the ultimate drear
of this constant today

... you've gotta laugh really


Fri vers av Jonny Larsen
Läst 160 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2009-01-28 00:33

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Jonny Larsen
Jonny Larsen