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Starlit cough

Starlit cough without any love
wander out without lust

"you're too sad, I'm leaving you
I know it's cold but I brook no truce"

I loose a little everyday
a strange and cruel game over
my martyrdom

"you're too sad, I'm leaving you
I know it's cold but I brook no truce"

He already dealt with his trials
they weigh him down
like sun's rays through glass

"flying a plane
I can't contain"

Jukebox a song old nostalgia
in diner style
I stay long enough to see
my heart a decorated lie
paired with pain

The black box survives any crash
so allow us to collide and love
what we had

"flying a plane
I can't contain"

Fri vers av Johan Lazer
Läst 714 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2009-02-02 18:32

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  mikael ejdemyr VIP
Länge sen. Men det verkar ha hänt nåt, igen. En erfarenhet är gjord och den behöver sammanfattas, så som i den briljanta nästsista strofen. Undrar om all passion innebär lidande.
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Johan Lazer