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Ett tämligen jordnära svar på Peter Ingestads Sonnett for Katie 25.  

Monday Sonnet



Yeah, let us have another gin & tonic

and type a tune on that old Panasonic:

what if we really do exist, dear Georgie?

What if your Bess is ready for her Porgy?


She' s waiting, old & ugly, by the phone,

so far away from your Platonic throne

She' s waiting for a man to pay her bills

to fix her car, to give her sexual thrills


to clean her windows,  entertain her kids

and screw up all those ever-leaking lids

reality' s just dirt, and so are we,


quite simply earthbound, never will be free.

 "A sister should not linger with her brother"

But, damn it, if there really is no other?




Bunden vers (Sonett) av Nanna X
Läst 501 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2009-03-09 15:27

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  TrollTörnTrappan VIP
Passionate and smart!! Old-fashioned and post-modern...

    ej medlem längre
haha, spot on!
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Nanna X
Nanna X