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Den ihärdigt ihåliga skenheligheten, eller; (S)Hallow Harbingers of the Hollow! Dispel the Go(d)spel(l)!

Being Belial Is Becoming Benign.

S: "They speak of becoming ambrose
and yet they are merely plankton.

Shuns every evidence to
shed every shade that does not sanction

their borrowed Belial; Small,
but in 'Salem seldom belittled."

J: "Where could they find an angel
that the description fitted?"

S: "Meditate upon the fiery realms..."


S: "They call it Free Will when they do good to the world out of a psychological necessity called the Overself and its engraved Code of Ethics.

They call it Free Will when they blindly follow their deity on an uncharted path in order to reach an invisible goal.

They call it Free Will when a person suppresses the inner most desires deemed demonic.

Here is Free Will from my P.O.V.;
Free of burden. Free of others opinions. Free of a clouded master.
And this they call "the diabolical tyranny of Satan"...

... or could have if I would not be making this all up with a stereotypical religious person in mind.

Anyway, the point is that only God is yokeless;
God is Belial"

J: "So... Is God a satanist?"

S: "I am absolutely apalled by your ACCUSATIONAL insults!
Mankind without God has lesser restraints on Free Will and imposes more responsibility for their actions."

J: "Doesn't Christianity believe in that as well?"

S: "Yes, officially. But no man can be held LIABLE* for that which is the will of God can he?"

B: "Of course he can be! It is God's divine right to find scapegoats at which He can project His infinitely amassing heap of karmic guilt which He has found a way to slipper away from by NOT HAVING A CONSCIENCE!"

J: "So is God a psychopath?"

S: "Well, not really. See; Psychopaths can have a theoretical understanding of right and wrong but they cannot feel guilt.
God invented right and wrong so He can never have a plausible reason to feel guilt within His auto-created patchwork of silly rules."

B: "What sort of God is stupid enough to break His own rules?"

S: "Only a really twisted, deranged sort of homocidal God with an invented twin brother which is actually Himself posing in a red-beard, fur and horns (His Holy turn-on)."


Have you read this far? You are probably a satanist,

or at least on the brink of turning into one.

Or you're just a plain heathen, unscrupulous infidel and sacreligious
Christos on your own crusade.

"And God laughed His Royal ass off as He shouted through the smoke unto the stoned Christ: How to get people ACROSS? With A CROSS! Oh how devilishly amusing of you my little bleating blessing!"

Övriga genrer av PratRisk
Läst 450 gånger
Publicerad 2009-05-24 21:32

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