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"Empty bottle"

Were am I?
where is this strange place?

I have lost my senses

I cary a bottle
empty as myself
Is this the wisdom of the bottle?
The wisdom of emptiness.

My feelings are gone
and there is only the hungover
and the memories

memories of the day before
of the full bottle
memories of love.

But I'am free as the wind
I'am light as the air
and I shall leave this strange place
I shall dance in the wind and fly away
And I make home
wherever it may take me.

I fly away
to a new place
where I perhaps find
what is empty inside me...

Fri vers av Pilgrim
Läst 235 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2009-06-18 13:43

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Ojj, strakt! Mycket bra skrivet! Åh vad jag gillade den här!!
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