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No sound was heard.

Not the barking of the old dog of the village
not the laughter of the children playing by the riverside
not the wind, wispering securets to the tree branches

nor could I hear my own fotsteps
or murmuring of the blood in my veines.

what could it be?
A dream?
Was I dead?
Or was I hiding myself, with my eyes and eares sealed?

I feelt lost.
And in the darkness of my beeing,
I looked up at the sky
and found a star looking down on me.

I thought to myself,
perhaps we are all stars,
in the darkness of the night
looking for onother star..

Fri vers av Pilgrim
Läst 216 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-06-18 14:07

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