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"call my name to the roses"

I build my little house
deep in the jungle
beside the river of light
on the carpet of roses
behind the old white mountain
under the tall tree of life

I have a few neighbours
a bird
a wolf
a rabbit
and a fish

I geuss
I'am one of them
I'am a bird
and a wolf
I'am a rabbit
and a fish

If you ever come
to see me
look for the fishes
and birds that fly
look for a rabbit that hides under ground
and for a wolf that howl.
Call my name to the roses
ask the old mountain
look into the river
sitt under the tree of life

you will find me nowhere
and you will find me eveywhere
everywhere you look..

Fri vers av Pilgrim
Läst 212 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-06-20 03:30

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