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Pick up a stone and make it yours, pick up her and his stone and earn it

For centuries we have collected stones
as life began, collecting stones was not too difficult
one earned all the Nobel prises
for there was none else to earn them
but you

in our present time we have collected
and collected
I've collected
my parents have collected
and so have my neighbours
all man of hu have
wapzillions of stones
some with meaning and life
some with emptiness and nothingness

most of us ordinary man of hu
collectors of small
tiny tyne
they are not even labelled as stones
more like gravel

heaps of gravel can build


Alot of us man of hu
collect stones the size of

palaces that are never seen out in the open
not always even in the beholders mind
for how does one know when one has built a monument
knitted in a way that has never been knitted
you can not knit the unknitted if you
have not seen all that has been knitted
Google can only do so much

some of us man of hu need to
assemble words together in a path that
has never been done,
think in roads that
have never been stepped on

the rest of us man of hu need to
reassemble past sentences, analyse, read, write and reassemble
rethink like the thinkers and write such as the writers
Descartes, Brontë , Shakespeare

however NEVER forget that
anyone that has thought is a thinker
anyone that has written is a writer

we can all assemble and reassemble

what is this?

Fri vers av -Dandy
Läst 512 gånger och applåderad av 7 personer
Publicerad 2009-07-19 12:29

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Haha, väldigt underhållande, men ändå tankeingivande.

Det är väldigt mycket du menar och påpekar i din text.
Bra skrivet, väldigt intressant :)
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