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Not enough

I drank the drink and it it was not enough

I shagged the guy and it was not enough

I shot the wolf but it was not enough

I bought the apartment but it was not enough

I read the book but it was not enough

I had the money but it was not enough

I licked the ice but it was not enough

I got the job but it was not enough

I fed the child but it was not enough

I sold my body but it was not enough

I ate my brother but it was not enough

I aced the exams but it was not enough

I skipped meat but it was not enough

I got implants but it was no enough

I was free but it was not enough

I was me but it was not enough

I ate twice but it was not enough

I understood life and it was not enough

for what is understanding if you are
not living

Fri vers av -Dandy
Läst 185 gånger
Publicerad 2009-09-15 23:58

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