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Senaste låttexten. Handlar om känslor och tankar kring när min kära mor för många år sen hittade ett "brev" som jag skrivit för att skriva av mig, där det framgick att jag skadar mig själv, att jag mår så mycket värre än hon tror ibland.

A Somewhat Better Way

It could have been so much better
Could have been so much more
Had you not seen that letter
Had I just locked that door

To see your reaction
To live through that time
Wasn't worth the satisfaction
Was not worth the crime

Take it all back, do it undone
Give me the chance to go back where I begun

If only I'd chosen a somewhat better way
If only I'd been happy, just enough to stay
Give me a reason, give me a goal
Give me something that'll bring back my soul
Running and hiding, nothing I could say
If only I'd chosen a somewhat better way

For all that it's worth
I'd give you what you need
Unwrite all those words
Unplant that burning seed

Take it all back, do it undone
Give me the chance to go back where I begun

If only I'd chosen a somewhat better way
If only I'd been happy, just enough to stay
Give me a reason, give me a goal
Give me something that'll bring back my soul
Running and hiding, nothing I could say
If only I'd chosen a somewhat better way

Feed me with desire
Encourage me to dance
Hold me up higher
Brake the growing trance

If only I'd chosen a somewhat better way
If only I'd been happy, just enough to stay
Give me a reason, give me a goal
Give me something that'll bring back my soul
Running and hiding, nothing I could say
If only I'd chosen a somewhat better way

Bunden vers av S. Krusmynta
Läst 328 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-11-02 16:11

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S. Krusmynta
S. Krusmynta