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försökte översätta en av mina svenska texter till engelska; det vida öppna

the wide open.,

feels like i’m floating
far out on the great sea
i lay exposed
and naked
worn out from despair

if i close my eyes
day turns to night
can you hear my breathing?
i can hear everything
my blood rushing through my veins
my heart beating faster and faster
i hear my thoughts as if you were here with me
asking. how are you?
and i wish i could be honest. brutally honest.

but honestly there’s no answers to find
how can i give one when i don’t have any to give
why not just let go and drift away

there is no salvation
not for me
no boat has been dispatched
not for me
there are too many on the horizon that needs to be saved
they are more important than me

so let me sink
breathe in the depths of the ocean
close my eyes
do not fear the panic
just close your eyes
and let go

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Läst 187 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2020-12-14 17:33

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