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Four-leaf clover, or it's all over?


Well I'm kind of thinking about that the Eagles song ''got seven women on my mind, two that want to hold me, four that want to stone me, one says she's a friend of mine''.
the Eagles also sing ''the queen of hearts is always your best bet''.
So how is the writing career? Looks like I will be dissed by the American company, but there is a chance I will get published.
And who is going to hold your bad-luck hand Page? If I only knew that I will probably die alone. Think positive. Yes I'm keeping my options open. And it looks like it will be a night of football matches and backgammon. Ram on. Ram on.

Prosa av Page Goldenboy VIP
Läst 27 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2024-05-09 21:55

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