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conjuring with poisoned magic

im conjuring with poisoned magic, everything i touch turns into gold
and i dont care how much it costs cause my love is so sold
i want it, i love it, yes i want it so bad
this is the best thing i've ever had
im addicted and i know i've fooled myself,
cause this poison breaks down my health
in my head, im walking on clouds with heaven next door
but in reality i got a breakdown on the floor
while everyone is scared and full of tears
im standing there poisoned, with no fears
and the adults might wondering, what's up with me
when im jumping around, laughing when the other cried
and all the tears i had once my poison dried
while shots and guns flew through the sky
i was lying down on the lawn with no fear to die
cause in my world, the shots were just flowers
and butterflies with fairy tale castles and towers
the poison in my hands became my hero and valentine
cause i loved it so much more than my own life

Fri vers av ammy flores
Läst 330 gånger
Publicerad 2010-12-04 10:33

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ammy flores