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Den här födelsdagsdikten skrev jag till Martina som fyllde år igår.


Uppdaterad version 20111216:

impatiently waiting for the big bang
starstruck stuck in a moment ago

clock arms can't reach around
hourglass shaped beauty

not until you ask shall you get
two and a half gifts


you think out of the jukebox
love your singing
and dirty dancing

although your humor makes clowns
cry of joy
truth be told

sometimes life's hard harder hardest

risking falling from the tree
whilst picking forbidden fruit

but today it's a piece of c-c-cake

Gammal version (old version):

impatiently waiting for the big bang
starstruck stuck in a moment ago

clock arms can't reach around
hourglass shaped beauty

not until you ask shall you get
two and a half gifts


although your humor makes clowns
cry of joy
truth be told

sometimes life's hard harder hardest

risking falling from the tree
whilst picking forbidden fruit

but today it's a piece of c-c-cake

Fri vers av Mattias LTC
Läst 595 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2011-07-31 03:21

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