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En dikt om hur minsta lilla beröring blir så oerhört viktig.

Everything I feel

A touch of fingertips
The sweet sensation of kissing your lips
The light that shines through your eyes
My heart beats so rapidly, and I cannot disguise

How you make me feel and how you make me fly
Your smile is my own personal high
A minute with you is a moment of bliss
And I dance on clouds when we kiss

A voice to capture my heart
Eyes so beautiful it almost breaks it apart
A smile so simply devastating
For you, my heart will forever be waiting

Never knew a man could move me with such grace
Never knew I could be mezmerised by a face
Never knew a smile could be so bright
Never never knew eyes could make me see the light

Holding on forever for your mere touch
Everything you are is just perfect as such
Loving you forever is how I heal
You are worth everything I feel

Fri vers av lovekills.87
Läst 237 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2012-02-27 23:22

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