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White Stone

Once upon a time
in a far away land
lived a girl with a
white stone i her hand.

The stone was heavy
and painful to bare.
She knew that to make it
she had to be ware.

There were times of doubt,
when she couldn't stand.
The disgrace and the shame.
The misery and scare.

The fright and the darkness.
Still here she stands.
Holding a white stone.
It's secretly there.

The storm and the thunder,
long gone away.
Inside her the memories
will ever stay.

She's happy, she's smiling.
The world never knows.
From fragile to stronger.
She's been one of those.

Bunden vers (Blankvers) av B-Nita
Läst 616 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2012-07-25 01:50

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