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The leak

Going for decicisions to progress but always wondering if progress on decisions is anywhere near, I dont have the strength to choose. Its like something is pulling me the other way, thinking, planning... and there goes another day. I take 1 step forward and 3 steps back. I feel too weak, like a perfectally filled water bottle but I always find a leak. Filling up again and concealing the leak but nothing seems to work because here I go again with the same damn leak. Sometimes I wonder is it the weak part or is it my will to go forward? Because they say you can always conquer with the strength within you. There's only one conclusion either i'm filling up the leak or I'll drown because of the water spilling from it...

Bunden vers (Rim) av Foad
Läst 309 gånger
Publicerad 2012-08-20 01:52

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