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Courage To Move On

They had been together for many a year,
Now, all she could feel was fear.
She gave all that she could give,
It just wasn\'t the way she wanted to live.

He left without a backward glance,
Not even giving their love a chance.
She often wonders what she could have done,
To keep him from going on the run.

Now she is living all alone,
With nothing to call her own.
She can barely make herself eat,
Wondering if her life will ever again be complete.

This woman is now moving along,
Building her courage, and becoming strong.
Time will heel her broken pride,
Toward the sunset her heart will glide.

Fri vers av Jimmy Olausson
Läst 481 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2006-03-16 21:06

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Det du skriver är väldigt vackert! "She can barely make herself eat,
Wondering if her life will ever again be complete." fantastiskt bra meningar. Väldigt fint tillsamman. Du får fram en stark känsla med dina ord. Hur gick det för henne?
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Jimmy Olausson