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3 dikter på engelska

I spend way to much time in my head

we build castles in the air
so shit goes around

we are simple so
we live a double life

we shake our heads
so we do not need to do something
about it

we are afraid to speak
so simple is the silence

we throw stones at human beeings
so simple is the silence

we hold hands
so simple is the silence


this poem may contain traces of nuts

wounded by the pleasance
damaged by escapism
tagged on facebook
taco night
paperless sourcream stain
the gladiators
wine erection


old shoes

The sky cry with the pensioners. Seeking asylum in a country where people understand, greet and beats a blow for more emotion and chaos. Where the sun's rays bounce as angry pilates balls. Wide awake in empty holes and among carbon dioxide there are little people, daisies and romance.

Övriga genrer (Översättning) av Per Blomqvist
Läst 625 gånger och applåderad av 12 personer
Publicerad 2014-07-15 18:43

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  anits VIP
Mycket bra skrivet, gillade den sista
old shoes.

  Minkki VIP
min absoluta favoritrad med tvist:
"this poem may contain traces of nuts"
du är superb, Per! Kram :)
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Per Blomqvist
Per Blomqvist