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En dikt influerad av Alfred Prufrock's A Love Song

A Love Song by Sarah Wolffelt

In the twilight, I put on my shoes like a pilgrim,
I plug in my headphones,
The music starts playing loudly,
forecloses all external impressions for a while,
It heats up my heart and accelerates my steps,
I run,
All the way through the neighbourhood,
Over the schoolyard,
Through the supermarkets parking lot,
I witness the old lady sitting with the worn cup,
An ice crystal finds itself into my warm heart.

The soft gloaming light from below the horizon,
Catches my gaze,
starts melting the newly formed ice,
But only for a while,
Orange, red and yellow,
Warm colours, a contrast to our world,
The wind in my eyes, forming a tear,
I wipe it away with my cold hands.

Winter comes apace now,
The days shorter growing,
Soon the ground will be covered by a snow-white blanket,
Covering all darkness,
Reflecting the moon and the mind,
I want him to acknowledge me,
I want freedom,
Love or loneliness, loneliness or love,
Loneliness and love?

How could anything be bad for me,
If it takes me higher?
In another country, he saunters home from work,
Here, in Sweden, I’m running in the woods,
Running away from the only thing I want.
Perhaps it will take a flight,
To figure out,
Where my heart,
Is finally going to land.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Sarah Wolffelt
Läst 291 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2014-09-23 14:32

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Sarah Wolffelt
Sarah Wolffelt