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Your so cold

Keep the spirit alive. please tell me this;
If so I can take your name?
Show me how to start because I have so hard to begin.
I know the reason of love is so imported, I keep blend in.
she have her voice heard, she told me this;
- If I was a bird I could fly so far away, so you can take me away.
- Never I can stay either, i am across your window, I breathe you. In a name of mien. I told her quick and fast to keep her last.
- I am so cold. I leave with out a note.
- Your so cold keep your hands in mien!

I was counting on you, to have at least a single of a note in to puzzle of a vote.
divide a person to a equal kind of life to begin and two. Has an answer in one!
I so count on love. You and me girl.

She smile and she told.
- Ambassadress a single of a call
I say to you.
- I was nearly screaming your name!

Fri vers (Modernistisk dikt) av Rickard Eriksson
Läst 239 gånger
Publicerad 2014-11-24 20:27

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Rickard Eriksson
Rickard Eriksson