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Running a thriller

I apolidize for the wounded poeple I like.
It is a bad situation going on...I surficated much.
and i cant get out of it. I am in my thoughts so heavy based on you.
And my mind is stuck and I cant get out of thier.
I am out of mind!

and you are running a thriller to betray the once I love..
I cant hide it no more.

I so miss you, i am boring on the inside.
Defind my mind is out of time.

And you are running a thriller to betray the one i love.
I cant hide it no more.
I have the story of a life time been in a hand full of blood.
She last in the moment of our love.
And I cant get out of thier.

And you are running a thriller to beatray the once I love.
Dont leave me and breake the part i liked.
Dont break me and shut me out.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Rickard Eriksson
Läst 294 gånger
Publicerad 2015-05-21 18:08

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Rickard Eriksson
Rickard Eriksson