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Skrev denna när jag hade en ganska ledsen inställning till det mesta i livet.


My body is exhausted and my brain is slowly put to rest
The week brought me nothing synonymous to having a good time

I am the flower you once thought was beautiful so you picked it from the ground and gave it to someone you truly cared about

I am the lonesome, careless wanderer, seeking a spot where I can find relief from all the bad things I otherwise feel

I am the madam of, truth be told,
nothing but cold, disgusting winters that no one enjoys
But too, I am the monsieur of warm, lovable summers that most enjoy

I am both hated and loved
Ignored and acknowledged

I cry when I’m happy
I laugh when I’m sad
I shake my head when I’m mad
And I fall to the ground, looking at the stars and figuring out if there actually is a meaning to life
But I don’t really figure it out

I exhale my thoughts out and inhale my long lost sadness
It’s the only thing I have
And it’s the only thing I don’t have

Övriga genrer av Twoburningroses
Läst 348 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2015-01-02 21:22

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