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Something old
Something new
Something borrowed
Something blue

What's old is my misery
What's new is my boredom
What's borrowed was the company
And I can't help but feel blue
I'm an easy target
Trying so hard to help others
I forget to help myself

Who's the lucky guy?
Mr. Depression

You could say it's an arranged marriage
The only people onboard are mr. Depression
and my soon to be mother and father in law
Mr. Self harm and Mrs. Suicide

I never liked any of them
way too dramatic for someone like me
But I can't help but get tangled in their destructive nature

Anyway, the company I borrowed
was foolish of me
But again "easy target"
Now I'm alone
No one to keep me company
Which caused my boredom
And misery
And now I'm just a smurf
A lonely, miserable and bored smurf

Fri vers (Fri form) av Exitosus
Läst 225 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2016-05-13 20:18

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