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Cadence of her Last Breath

The cadence of her last breath hit my ears like the thunder of a drum, The sound of my breaking heart shattered the mask of glass on my face. As I felt the icy grip of apathy clutch at my heart, then suddenly rain, warming me, calming my shattered mind, and as I looked up, there she was, my salvation, my angel... my doom.

How could I know, what untold pain there comes with love, who understands how infinitely shattered ones heart can be, when the one who loves you and cares for you betrays you, destroys you, lies upon sweet lies, desperately you hope you wish, the lies are the truth, the truth are the lies. You choose deprivation and starvation over loneliness.

But truthfully you could never do such immense harm to yourself, not like that, how do you fix what is destroyed? you break, you break again, you dig, you claw, you gnaw, desperately you bury, then from emptiness you sew, you stitch. Rebirth comes with a price, but then again, what does not?

Övriga genrer (Drama/Dialog) av KirbyHBG
Läst 419 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2016-09-25 23:28

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