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Music, fire, medicine, desire

I have a memory I can’t shake
It comes to me whenever I’m awake
Of a girl who laughed at my frown
and frowned when I laughed
That raise eyebrow had me crawling on my knees
but she wouldn’t have any of me 
In my dreams I taste her mouth
In my sleep my hands go south

Her body is music
Her soul is fire
Her laughter is medicine
Her hair filled with desire
Her body is music
Her soul is fire
Her laughter is medicine
Her hair filled with desire

She’s inked into my skin
Everywhere her fingers have been
The night I made her mine
was like out of a dream
Soft skin and softer lips
combined in sweet torture
They tell me to forget and fall into another bed
But how do I remove her from my heart and from my head?

Her body is music
Her soul is fire
Her laughter is medicine
Her hair filled with desire
Her body is music
Her soul is fire
Her laughter is medicine
Her hair filled with desire

 My only goal is to write her name in the sky
To keep that magical spark in her eye
I wish I told her all the things I thought
all the futures I built for us
Maybe she would have believed me
perhaps she would have said: Stay
I stare at the pictures on my phone
This can’t be it, she can’t be gone

Her body is music
Her soul is fire
Her laughter is medicine
Her hair filled with desire
Her body is music
Her soul is fire
Her laughter is medicine
Her hair filled with desire

My life is now a single quest
To once again have her sleeping on my chest
When they ask me how long I’ve know her
when they tell me to count the days
I only have one answer
Always, always

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Yheela
Läst 403 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2016-10-13 12:33

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