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An attempt at capturing my mental illness in writing.

B.I.P.O.L.A.R. (Because It's Painful: On Loving A Rosethorn)

a gaze - the lone heart deathly throbbed
amazed, I of my breath was robbed
it took me by surprise

the dawn of my demise

darkness, light, to both I pledge
my love, to always tread the ledge
and kill the inbetween

with tenderness so mean

it's quite a strain, to say the least
and saying more could wake the beast
that lives within my veins

he knows my hopes and pains

a second surge of manic stress
a second's work - my life's a mess
I haven't slept in weeks

the havoc that it wreaks!

I paint a rock in crystal pink
and rock the paint as ripples sink
this medicine I crave

it levels out the wave

I'm looking out an open door
it leads to where I lived before
but where I must not go

I wish it were not so

but if it were not so

my life would not be mine to lead
to cherish, mourn, relive and bleed

Bunden vers av Mattias Hammarström
Läst 480 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2017-02-01 01:30

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Mattias Hammarström
Mattias Hammarström