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Step on lego


It's very moving
How bricks on the floor
With magic fingers
Can become tall buildings like in Manhattan
Our bedrooms own New York
Cars on red or yellow roads
Switching lanes at the rainbow intersection
Spacechip out of this world

I try to wrap my head around it
To love, yeah
is like stepping on lego


oh na


step on lego



Something to build
Something to destroy
On the carpet
Or under the bed
In the hallway


But if you manage to cross
that "elephant in the room"
You can handle almost anything
that comes in your way



even though it hurts like hell



to feel like a kid again


Fri vers av Hon kallar sig poet VIP
Läst 290 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2018-09-15 23:34

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Hon kallar sig poet
Hon kallar sig poet VIP