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social media . love

made an new url because this is how i roll

i change my number on my cell

because you wore like giving me an hell

made an new url because thats how i roll

i have you block because lately you suck

there so many reason i could list

why i am now hanging out with the A list

at first i was his little project

then i became the talk of the inn

just because i write about him

heres an note to myself

be careful , how you express yourself

because internet always remember

to be honest , could careless

about that George guys

because i have an new guy that make me … breathless

Fri vers (Fri form) av Jonna Jankala
Läst 263 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2019-05-25 06:36

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Jonna Jankala