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Travesti på John Lennons So this is Christmas. Skriven i förtvivlan och i missbruk 2012. Jag lämnar den både okorrad och som den ursprungligen var skriven. För att påminna mig om den tiden.

So this is Christmas

Sorry John for battering your lyrics. But it's what I feel.

So here comes Christmas. Ends a fucking bad year.
Alone in a big hole, alone with my tears.
Although it is Christmas, All alone in dispear..
When you’re down in the gutter, just like nobody cares.
But although it is Christmas, and I’m longing for you.
The lack of my loved ones, just makes me feel blue.
Hope that you who have loved ones can make the best of it all.
Take care of each other, make this Christmas stand tall.
I’m sitting in silence, remember those near ones I’ve lost,
Guess I was the bad guy, now I’m paying the cost
But I just can’t stop thinking where this matter will end.
I know I raised children, or was that all pretend?
Will there be a next Christmas, can I get a few more years?
And celebrate Christmas, with my kids and no tears.

For my kids and all the people I love!

Copyright" (©) Peter Boman 2012-12-22

Övriga genrer (Visa/Sångtext) av Peter Boman
Läst 215 gånger
Publicerad 2020-12-22 16:23

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Peter Boman