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I've fallen down again.
Fallen down the rabbithole.
The rabbithole of failure.

I've gotten stuck again.
Stuck in the rabbithole.
The rabbithole of despair.

I don't want to be here.
Don't want to fail.
I don't want to feel this.
Don't want the despair.

I must find the strength.
The strength to climb.
I must find the courage.
The courage to let go.

Please, help me.
Help me to climb.

Please, help me.
Help me to let go.

It's easier to stay down here.
But the climbing will make me stronger
It's easier to hold on.
But letting go will make me grow.

I've fallen down again.
Fallen down the rabbithole.
The rabbithole of failure.

I've gotten stuck again.
Stuck in the rabbithole.
The rabbithole of despair.

I see no end.
I see no help.
I see no light.

All is infinite.
All is helpless.
All is dark.

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Läst 61 gånger
Publicerad 2022-11-22 14:44

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