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Pop ballad

Another place

I’ve found another place 

where we can spend our days 

a beach I've never seen before 

the sand so white and shiny 


I've found a blessed place

Where we can walk our ways 

The friendly sky smiling at us

The sea so wide and mighty 


I’ve found a secret place

where I will kiss your face 

distant clouds are soft as cotton 

flying birds all dressed in white 


I’ve found a joyful place

I dance in silver lace 

every tree is dancing with me 

happy fish are jumping high 


I’ve found a restful place

we'll miss no other days

all the saints are waving at us 

sweet love is the wind we breathe 


Bunden vers av Ulf Lundin VIP
Läst 66 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2022-12-17 08:59

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