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In the sun's glow, a gloria crafted,
with golden rays in cascades drafted.

Forgive us, sun, when doubts assail,
thinking you might momentarily veil.
You always shine, never betray,
in your radiance, we find our way.

Yet behind the sun's flaming hue,
a secret hides, silent and true.
Wisdom kept by the church's hand,
a truth preserved, long in demand.

What does this symbol truly mean?
A spiritual force not easily seen.
But in the sun's rays, truth appears,
a beauty and love that conquers fears.

Let us linger in the sun's golden heat,
let its light guide through storms, complete.
And in the depths of our beating heart..

recall the sacrifice...

sins depart

Fri vers av Arinna
Läst 87 gånger och applåderad av 4 personer
Publicerad 2023-12-25 02:32

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  Lustverket VIP
He kinda looks a bit like Jesus, burning down the highway skyline, doesn't he after all?

    ej medlem längre
He doesn't look a thing like Jesus, but he talks like a gentleman. Like you imagined when you were young.
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