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Obesvarad kärlek med en ovisshet om hur man ska känna.


Years of love, now pages in the past,
A story written, but it wasn’t meant to last.
Though her tears fall like rain,
I can’t be her shelter from pain.

Her heart, once mine, now she dances away,
In the arms of others, night and day.
Standing in the shadows I tried to hold on,
To a love that’s already gone.

She came back, just like a ghost,
In tears, a vision of what I miss the most.
But dawn’s revealed the truth so sore,
She’s not the soul I once adored.

Her path, her choices, not mine to hold,
In life’s dance, truths unfold.
Releasing dreams, so I find,
Peace of mind, leaving the past behind.

As I step into the light,
Embracing days, letting go of night.
In her journey, I play no part,
But she’ll always have a place in my heart.

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Publicerad 2024-01-02 20:09

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