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inläst, med musik av hell is carbon: https://helliscarbon.bandcamp.com/album/thus-breaketh-the-world-body-pt-2-in-2-parts?

they should have yelling yoga

first you scream
then you cry
then you laugh
the best of
all worlds
i wish...
getting all those
pent up emotions
out of your body...

remember what nietzsche told you:

"there is more wisdom in your body
than in your deepest philosophy"

then there is more anger in your body
than you can ever conjure with your mind

and there is sadness in your body
and there is joy in your body

why dont you scream
at someone today?
or at your reflection?
or your pet?
probably not that
i dunno

im reminded
of that scene
in fight club

where everyone gets a task
to get someone to hit them
quite extreme there...

but we need to
free our minds
but then we must
first free our bodies

Övriga genrer (Kåseri) av Live2Dream VIP
Läst 41 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2024-01-04 17:35

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