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My feelings right now.

Wound and Pain

New wounds,
New scratch.. blood..
I do welcome pain..
Can't handle the pain inside..
The feeling of being worthless, alone and invisible..
Cuts deeper..
Physical pain is easier to deal with.. than the mental one. .
I want to stop..
I want to feel happy..
I don't want to feel or be like this.. but the pain and darkness is too strong.. too deep inside of me..
The only way to get a break from everything inside.. is to cut, scratch and let the blood drip..
To feel the physical pain crowding out the mental one..
To feel something else then pain inside for a short while..
I don't want to die.. but I don't want to live like this..
Slowly I break down.. until there is nothing left but broken pieces to small to repair.
But it is alright.. I don't think anyone will notic when I finally disappears..

Fri vers (Fri form) av SkyCoffeeCat
Läst 31 gånger
Publicerad 2024-01-25 21:19

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