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Whispers of Mirth

In the shadows, where darkness thrives
A tale of humor, twisted lives
Wit a touch of darkness and a dash of wit
I'll spin a longer poem, bit by bit

In a haunted house, where spirits roam
A ghostly comedian finds a home
With spectral laughter, he fills the air
Telling jokes that gives you a scare

"Knock, knock", he says, with a ghostly grin
"Who's there?" you ask, with a nervous chagrin
"It's Boo", he replies, with a spectral tone
"Boo, who?" you ask, feeling quite alone

"Boo hoo, don't cry, it's just a joke
Though I may haunt, I won't provoke
For in this realm of shadows and fright
Laughter brings comfort in the darkest night."

He tells tales of skeletons with a bone to pick,
And zombies who stumble, causing quite a kick
Vampires who avoid garlic and sunlight
And witches who cackle with all their might

But admits the laughter, a lesson is learned
That even in darkness, joy can be earned
For humor has power, to heal and to mend
In the darkest of times, it's a loyal friend

So embrace the darkness, with a smile on your face
Let humor be your guiding grace
In this twisted world, where shadows play
Find laughter, and chase the darkness away.

Bunden vers (Limerick) av MissBraw
Läst 25 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2024-03-16 13:57

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