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Two Trees

Morning's early light enters our yard and slowly begins to lick the white floor beneath our feet. Drops of frozen dew, like our dreams the Night before, cling to their memories before they melt away. Our blood begins to flow as the spring thaw gently reaches down to touch our roots which are firmly bound together; sharing the love song that seeps through our veins as it rises to the tops of our outstretched arms.

Birds of comfort joyfully greet midday's tender kiss, happily sharing their home with ours; safely hidden within our protective canopy, shielding them from the harms of the outside world. As the afternoon breeze flows through our arms, it excites our lives, bringing new smells and thoughts to our minds. Suddenly a gust of wind interrupts our soft whispers and I quickly reach for you; trying to caress your arms and fingers, using mine, before the wind subsides. The birds take flight and I am left with you, my arms tangled with yours, forever entwined.

As night draws near I wait for your voice and it comes to me like golden leaves shining in the setting sun; gentle whispers reflecting the evening's soft glow. When the day's breeze starts to settle down once again, I begin to miss the twigs of your touch, the tips of your leaves which caressed me in rhythm with the warm breath of Afternoon. Now these same fingertips slowly start to drift to the ground as night draws near, spreading their colorful mirrors of joy around us, making a soft quilted bed for the coming Night.

Now we stand, side by side, facing the cold night's stars. Our arms and fingers frozen together, our blood, now stone cold. I look to you, through frost covered eyes; so near, yet so far away. Your thoughts are now buried in the dreams that keep you warm, as the snow glistens in your hair. And so I sleep, silently waiting for the Morning thaw.

Fri vers (Fri form) av Deep Blue VIP
Läst 719 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-04-06 20:37

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Deep Blue VIP