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your voice

come and join me
everlasting life
world without end
night without day

shadows crawl upon the ceiling
your name calls me
ever again
echoes at the empty walls

I can still see you
and feel your touch
or is it the vapor from before
that´s come to visit me tonight?

why do you call me on this night
when all I want is to follow
your voice where it leads me
to your body far away

and yet so close

tonight I meet you in your dreams
but a fainted picture
of what is to be
when eternity comes to stay

as it ever were
as it ever will be
and next time we meet
it is in that place

where time does not end
where the moon does not set
and where your smile never fades

Fri vers av Lordslig
Läst 197 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-11-21 17:38

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