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Translated for some friends, the poem "Lär mig?"

Teach me?

Teach me

I the middle of the night

To hear your heart beat
you breathe
hear your sighs of pleasure
feel the touch of your skin

Teach me

to dare

to dare to trust

to dare to feel

to let go of the control of my heart

Teach me

to not be afraid

that you wish me well

Teach me

to see you that you exist

that you want to touch me because I am me

to be close to you because you can not be without me

that we need to breathe the same air or suffocate out of missing each other

stand close or loose the grip of the earth

Fri vers av Nikolai Jungsin VIP
Läst 183 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2010-01-25 01:42

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Nikolai Jungsin
Nikolai Jungsin VIP