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My friend lost her beloved furbaby recently and I got some images in my mind I want to share.

Kacey play with that ball


you goofy little boy

so it was your time

you crossed the Rainbow bridge


you never told me

we only had this short while

I was so hoping for so many more days together

but we rarely know in advance, do we?


You will always be a step next to me

taking your space in your, i mean MY bed. 


You were and will always be loved

missed but in the heart and mind always

Now back together with my friend

She needed you even more than I 

so she will be the one to play with you from now on


born a winner

always a winner in my heart



Fri vers av Nikolai Jungsin VIP
Läst 22 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2024-06-29 11:10

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Nikolai Jungsin
Nikolai Jungsin VIP