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Ty den hopplöse prokrastineraren skriver bäst musik när deadline är morgondagen;  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lyz2RCUX_1E

Litte Raven

Little raven flying up high
I want to be there with you in the sky
little raven flying so low
I've loved you since long ago

Little raven flying up high
are you happy up there in the sky

Little raven do you get burned
flying there under the warmth
of the sun

Can I be just like you up in the sky

Llittle raven seeing the world
is this the way we want it to be

Little raven where have you gone to?
When I grow up I want to be just like you

Can I be like you up in the sky

Fly with me, fly with me, fly with me ...

Little raven flying up high
I want to be like you up in the sky

Little raven, flying so low
I've loved you since long ago

Fri vers av Eléa
Läst 162 gånger
Publicerad 2010-04-13 07:42

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