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I brought you with me today

I left you this morning, you where in the shower all wet and warm.
I didn´t want to leave you as normal
I stole one last kiss before leaving the bathroom
I put the jacket on and opened the door.

Wanted to stay with you for some more minutes.

I closed the door and took the short cut over the lawn.
A thought to peak through the bathroom window appeared in my head :)
Entered the bus, the doors closed and it started to move.
I looked out the window as i passed, saw the bottle of mouth water and nothing else.

If i only could have stayed with you for some more minutes.

Arriving at work i opened the door with my key card.
Walked down the stairs to fetch some coffee
Logged in to my computer sipping the warm drink.
What a long day this will become maybe i should have worked from home

Perhaps then i could shared some more minutes with you.

After downing the coffee i started to go through my mails.
"So many.. i think the coffee had an effect right away"
I better go and ease the pressure.. unzipping my pants..
And there you where, a red lovely hair under the skin of my head.

So in a way i got to spend some more minutes with you after all.

Fri vers av Burre
Läst 687 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2010-04-15 12:34

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