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Ljusets lackejer håller inget räddande svar i sina bedjande händer. Bara sin egen undergång.

Besiege the Illusion

Flames and bones crackle and spread across the field
As our enemies are shattered by the weapons we wield

Smoke fill the darkened skies
Many sceams rise with it as countless dies

This war is waged for neither land nor for treasure
Not even for capitalistic dominion or rich mens leisure

This day we clash banners to banners
Killing all within range of our scanners

An enemy within grasp, I tear open his throat
Cybernetic limbs carry me over the moat

The barrage begins, howling like hungry demons
In vain were all their hollow prayers and sermons

Ideals and honour drives us, compels us
The Last Prophet leads us and thus
An empire is built for war, risen from streets and lairs
To save a planet we from its oppressors clutches tears

Survival is our most treasured prize
Men of Darkness! Arise!

Fri vers av Banehallow
Läst 359 gånger
Publicerad 2010-06-07 16:56

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