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Inspirerad av en bok jag precis läst. Min allra första dikt... so be nice. :)


Mysterious like the moon.
His footsteps cannot be heard through the noise of silence.
What does he want? Should I be afraid?
I can’t. I don’t want to.
He’s dangerous and rough.
He’s evil and the unfamiliar.
In his proximity I’m at the edge of the cliff, close to falling…
… any second now…
With him I feel safer than with anybody else.
I’m insane.

It’s life and death now.
The severity is heavy.
Heavy like the mass of the earth.
I can see it in his smile, his pirate smile.
I should run. I should flee.

His fingertips meet mine.
It’s too late now.
I’m in forever…
I’m trapped under the surface of the ocean.
Behind bars.
Unable to escape.
I’m trapped and I’m free.
At the same time.
It’s him, only him.
Nobody else.
It’s him.
The forbidden.
The dangerous.
The most beautiful…
It’s him.
My fallen angel.

Fri vers av HushAngelHush
Läst 151 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2010-08-31 19:37

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